Monday, February 8, 2016

Upland Host Lions Monthly Bulletin / Board Meeting - February, 2016

Programs - February, 2016
February 1, 2016 - Todays meeting was a combined General Meeting/Board Meeting. This combined meeting was necessary due to the Student Speaker Contest which is scheduled for our regular February 15th meeting.

Lion Jerry McJunkin, the District 4-L4 Environmental Chairperson, spoke with us today about the Cal Trans Adopt a Highway Program. Lion Jerry stated that the Adopt a Highway Program has not been adopted by our District as a District sponsored program but it has been adopted by other Districts in California. This program is conducted by Cal Trans to eliminate trash and other litter from building up along our highways. The program is designed with safety of participants as its primary concern and Cal Trans along with Lions, conducts safety programs for the participants. This program provides visibility for Lions in community activity and aids Cal Trans in preventing our highways from becoming littered with trash. A number of Clubs in our District have joined in this effort. When a Club becomes part of Adopt a Highway they agree to maintaining both sides of the highway for a length of two miles and actively doing cleanup work for the full length at least once per month. As part of his responsibility as Environmental Chairperson Lion Jerry is asking Clubs to join in this effort. 
District 4-L4 Environmental Chairperson Lion Jerry McJunkin

February 15, 2016 - The Club's 2016 Student Speaker Contest is scheduled at this meeting. All attendees are asked to be at the meeting by 6:15 PM. The buildings doors will be closed and locked at 6:30 PM to insure no interruptions for the Student Speakers.

Board Members in Attendance: Lions Beverly B., Ken B., Terri, Sang, Keith, Jim K., Madeleine, Tina, Mike, and Sandy.

Other Club Members in Attendance: Lions Charlotte, Beverly S., Richard, and Jim T.

Secretary's Report: The Club's Monthly Board Meeting Minutes and Monthly Bulletin for January, 2016 had been forwarded to all Club members for their review and comment. No further discussion was undertaken.

Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Ken B. presented the following information for his report:
Admin. Acct.:   January 4, 2016 - $  3,921.85    Feb. 1, 2016 - $  4,816.35
Activity Acct.:  January 4, 2016 - $14,467.81    Feb. 1, 2016 - $14,481.76

The major Board Meeting item discussed at todays meeting was the status of the Club's Charitable Giving. The Charitable Giving  Budget is totally funded by the Club's Activity Account. The Club voted, several years ago, to guarantee and set aside  funding of  $5,000 for our school eye exam and new glasses program and hold $5,000 for our annual Fishbake cost contingency. After holding these two amounts of money our past year donation funds amounted to $6,425. After the two agreed upon withholds, our current Activity Account funds available for 2015/2016 donation are $4,481.76 . The Club's previous donation list and our new requests will be reviewed and donations will be made within the $4,481.76 limit of our funds
Program Assignments For March, 2016:
March 7, 2016 -   This will be the club's Monthly Board Meeting. Lion Charlotte has the dessert assignment for this meeting.
March 21, 2016 - This will be the Club's Monthly General meeting - Lion Beverly B. is the Program Chair for this meeting

Lions Calendar of Events:
March 5th -   Leo Talent Show
March 5th -   CLFS Sight Screening - Oceanside
March 12th - Ontario Upland Bunco
March 14th - Zone Student Speaker's Contest deadline
March 18th - Teen Recognition Dinner
March 19th - CLFS Sight Screening Corona
March 20th - Huntington Beach Crabfest
March 22nd - Orange Region Meeting Student Speakers Contest
March 27th - Easter
March 28th - Saddleback Region Meeting Student Speakers Contest
March 29th - Foothill Region Meeting Student Speakers Contest

March 11th - Judy Spaulding (Lion Don)
March 28th - Zack Weaver (Lion Tina)
March 25th  - Lions Richard and Beverly S.

February 11th -  Ontario/Upland Lions Club
Requests For Donations:
Lion President Jim K. reviewed a list of requests for donations he has received since assuming the Presidency. Those requests are from:
  1. Upland Police Foundation
  2. The Salvation Army
  3. Guide Dogs of the Desert
  4. Upland Chamber of Commerce
  5. Junior Blind of America
  6. Braille Institute
  7. Blind Children's Learning Center
  8. Crossroads, Inc.
  9. Junior Blind Olympics
  10. Wounded Warrior Project
  11. City of Hope
Some of these are new request we haven't had in the past and they will be considered along with all of our others  when our funding is decided.
Our Next Meeting:
February 15th - Our next meeting will be the Club's Student Speaker Contest. it will be held at the CAF building at the entrance to Cable Airport. The Contest will start at 6:30 PM and attendees should arrive no later than 6:15 PM.

Leaving You With A Smile
Have A Great Month

Bulletin - Board Meeting Writer/Editor/Publisher
Lion Keith Krumwiede
Club Secretary - 2015/2016
Telephone: 909-240-7909
