Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Upland Host Lions Monthly Board Meeting - March, 2016

Board Members In Attendance: Lions Ken B., Terri, Arlene, Joe, Keith, Jim K., Madeleine, Tina, and Mike.

Other Club Members In Attendance: Lions Charlotte, Ken M., Beverly S., Richard and Jim T.

Secretary's Report: The Secretary's February, 2016 Board Meeting Report was placed on the Club's blog for everyone to review and comment. A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the February, 2016 Board Meeting Report as presented.

Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Ken B. presented the following information for his report:
Admin Acct.:  Feb.1, 2016 -- $  4,816.35  March 7, 2016 -- $  3,351.26
Activity Acct: Feb. 1, 2016 -- $14,481.26  March 7, 2016 -- $13,167.20

Other Committee Reports:
On February 15, 2016 Our Club held its 2016 Student Speaker Contest. We had two students from Claremont High School as our contestants. The contestants were:
  1. Jack Xiao - Freshman
  2. Sophia Jung - Junior
The winner of our contest was Jack Xiao, Freshman at Claremont High School. Jack will go on to the Foothill Zone Contest as the next level of competition. Both students did outstanding presentations of this years speech topic.

Jack Xiao, Lion Michael, Sophia Jung

I might add that our winner, Jack Xiao, is an outstanding young man in many ways. In addition to many other accomplishments he is a concert pianist and has, at the age of 14, performed twice at Carnegie Hall. His very proud mother has invited our Club Members to attend his concert scheduled for 1 PM, Sunday, May 15th, 2016, at William J. Huff Recital Hall, 951 West Foothill Blvd., Claremont (Admission is free).

Old Business: President Jim K. reviewed several Flyers he had received from other District Clubs, promoting their various Fund Raising Events.

Governor Ken M., reported that he had attended the District Leo Club Talent Contest. Governor Ken was very impressed by the talents of these young Leo Club Members. He stated that several were so good that he is going to invite them to perform at a future District Cabinet Meeting. It sounds like that would be a very good meeting to attend.

Discussion of our Annual Fish Bake was, again, and will continue to be a topic of the Club's meetings. We discussed replacing the sponsor business card booklet with a banner which we could display at all the events in which we participate. The banner will list the identity of each of our sponsors and will categorized as Platinum, Gold and Silver. The categories would signify the level of giving and determine the size in which the name is displayed. There was much discussion of how we would use the banner.

It was also suggested that we have a collection box for business cards to be used at the Chamber of Commerce Mixers. These business card could then be used as entrees when making contacts for Fish Bake sponsorships.

We had a brief discussion of the Club's charitable giving. The Executive Committee had discussed this item in a separate meeting and we had agreed to go through the charitable giving list and cut it down to local charities. President Jim stated that he would bring a recommended list to the next Club meeting.

New Business: Our Club has been asked if we would participate in this years annual car show sponsored by the Cooper Museum. They asked if we would put on a pancake breakfast for this event.  After much discussion it was decided that we could not do a pancake breakfast but we would offer to host a breakfast of hot coffee, donuts, Danish and juice.

On April 2nd and 3rd a health fair is scheduled to be held at the Anaheim Convention Center. Eye screening will be part of this fair and we have been asked for volunteers to man the eye screening facility. Governor Ken has asked that our Club provide volunteers for this health fair.

Lion Richard asked if our Club has its own constitution and the response was no, we go by the LCI Constitution. Richard felt strongly that each Club should have its own Constitution. The Club will look at developing our own constitution.

The need for hygiene items for the homeless was brought up for discussion. There is a significant need for these items for the communities homeless population. It was agreed that our Club members would bring hygiene items and new socks and wash cloths to our April Board meeting so that we may put packages together for the homeless.

Visitations: None planned for our Club in March, 2016. On March 21st, at our meeting, the Rialto Host Lions Club plans to visit us.

Requests For Donations: None

Next Meeting: March 25, 2016, 6:30 PM at Maniac Mike's Café, Cable Airport, Upland, CA.

Adjournment: With no further items brought up for discussion President Jim K. adjourned the meeting.

Minutes Writer/Editor/Publisher
Lion Keith Krumwiede
Club Secretary - 2015/2016
Telephone: 909-240-7909
e-mail: kkrumwiede11@verizon.net

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